Thursday, October 28, 2010


Yes! you are born to be great. You have the seed of greatness inside you and you have been told that you are wonderfully and fearfully made. I have no doubt about these facts. As a matter of fact, I am certain that you were made to be great. God never planned evil for any one. Look around you and everything and everyone you see are a product of the amazing greatness of God. Sometimes I wonder HOW God thinks. Seriously, if truly we were made in his likeness and we have the breath of life running through our nostrils then I submit that we are living far below our making and calling. I hope my submission hit you hard or better still strike you like a thunderbolt. If neither applies to you, let me say it better. MOST HUMANS ARE A DISSAPOINTMENT TO GOD. I am not talking about sin, I am talking about what God intended for us to accomplish. Even the likes of Mozart and Leonardo Da Vinci despite the feats they did are still not at the level of a god. Look around you and it will displease you to ask yourself, what around has my TRADEMARK? Have you by anyway or means reflected the ‘god’ status you and I were born to represent? I know the answer to the question. I do not claim to be a saint and I am guilty as charged as well. But then at least I am thinking about it. I am asking myself a million questions and every day and every minute matter to me. I view the days as crucial and the moments as vital and I want nothing to pass me by. I am sure that no matter what I have accomplished, I am still far away from what I am still capable of achieving. Thus I am not ready to settle for mediocrity. I am not willing to settle for less than I could accomplish with the gift of life that God has given me. Moreover the older you get the closer you are to your grave. Hard but true? Sorry dear :) .

I love watching cartoons and recently I saw the best I have ever known. If you have seen this cartoon you may agree with me, but if not you will have to go and watch it. It’s the cartoon titled AVATAR. I am not talking about the movie. I have seen that as well but it is not close to the potency of the cartoon. It’s more than just a cartoon, it’s a master piece. Just like the way 24 is not just a movie. It’s something I watch and watch all over again. I have learnt far too many things from these master pieces and at times I wonder if they are actually real life scenes. It’s a beauty to see how the human mind can be so creative. Like I have said earlier we are far from the level we have been created to perform. I know that other people may have seen this stuff that I have seen but never gotten the insight that I got. I guess that is because we may look at the same thing but see different things. The mind is where we reason and our reasoning is based on the dominant voices in our life. Soon I will get into the issue of voices and you will see that you are a sum total of the voices in your life.

It’s interesting but very true. I hate to admit it but then it’s true and I cannot undo what has been done. You may be wondering what I did or did not do. I hope your imagination isn’t going out of line. Well I guess your imagination is probably a function of your dominant thoughts and an example of who you are. You may not accept that to be true but trust me it is. Your thoughts are a direct reflection of your thought pattern and we become what we think about the most.(Sorry if Im hitting you this way, but I guess you caused it. Or did I? Any way I am having fun pulling your legs about your thought pattern but I am not joking about it) Whenever you intend to change your life you must not begin with a prayer. Oh did I just say another thing you do not like? I can imagine what I may cause by saying that if you want to change your life prayer isn’t the first thing. Hmm. So what can it be? Your THOUGHTS. Have you forgotten that you can only be transformed by the renewing of your mind? In case you have, I just reminded you. To be transformed to a new or better person you need to renew your mind and not your prayer. Can you see what I am talking about? Oh you are still not satisfied. The truth is that you need prayer and greatness may be eimpossible without it. But with it alone you are still short of the very things you need. The miracle of change begins with the thought pattern. Here is what you need to see as well; AND THE PRODIGAL SON THOUGHT WITHIN HIMSELF. That was the beginning of the end of rubbish lifestyle. He THOUGHT. He thought and then he acted and then all things began to fall in place. Without the thinking there was no way he could have set his foot on change. Now let me bend your mind a little bit. Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten where all these started from.


Obafemi Otitoola said...

I Love this. It's just too Great

Amara said...

I can't wait 2 rule my world.

Frank Eboye said...

Thinking and action are really the hallmark of greatness.Another masterpiece from my master and mentor,Smith Bam!