I am smiling as I am about to discuss the issue of power horse. I find it interesting that a drink like this will have an impact on me. This drink is designed to give you extra energy. On occasions I have to take the drink and the result is alarming. The drink sets my head in motion and I just want to go on and on. Many people also rely on this drink to keep their stimuli high. They want instant power and they want to produce at the level of a horse. Not a bad idea until it becomes a life philosophy. They do not understand the 10,000 hour rule. They want to get ahead without investing the necessary amount of time, effort and energy necessary for unmatched performance. Soon I will tell you what the 10,000 hour rule is. You need to know
it. It will save you from the illusion of talent. It will make you see that there is nothing so special about those we call special. They have only done what we don’t do and thus they see the result that we don’t see. There are no secrets to success except the ones that others have practiced. You can surely get the same result and even surpass it if you can only do what they have done.
There is no power horse in life. I must say it again that there are no power horses in life. Thou shall not be fooled that you will take a can of drink and then you will possess instant success. You are simply kidding and you are not set for outstanding success. Look around you and the people you think have taken power horse as a matter of fact they didn’t. If you were to ask anyone that truly attained greatness, they will not be able to tell you that there was one step that they took that brought them thus far? The truth is that it’s an accumulation of deliberate and intentional steps, backed with efforts in hours and years that brought them to this enviable level. In short they have a story to tell. Real life doesn’t answer to power horse. You can never find the magic wand, the power horse that will jet propel you suddenly to stardom. Quit trying to look. It’s just one of those things you can never find. You had better learn to invest the fundamental and necessary time to attain the level of proficiency that will locate you among other men of greatness.
Recently I attended a talent show that paraded very talented youths. Of a truth, all of them were talented. There was not one of them that did not possess the capacity for stardom. The competition began and tension mounted. People watched, booed and cheered. The atmosphere was charged and as a member of the panel of judges I felt delighted at some of the participants but dejected at the performances of many of them. I watched with sadness how these participants were trying to succeed with the power horse mentality. They were talented but talent alone is not enough. The talent they paraded like I love saying is a product of nature but skill and competency is a product of nurture. Though equipped, they stood before the crowd and they messed themselves up. I doubt if they knew that life will always give opportunities and what you do with such opportunities is what really counts. You may not know but those who are doing well and excelling at their chosen career do not live with the power horse mentality. They have mastered their craft with the 10,000 hour rule.
This is just AWESOME.....
If only we'd all be armed with this fact, life processes would make more meaning. No shortcuts to true success! No! No! No!.
Success in life takes a process.A due and painstaking process.Only a foolish man would assume he can achieve success overnight without due process.Purpose and process are intertwined.To attain one's purpose in life,one must go through a process.Everything in life is designed to go through process.Without it,success will not come and if it is forced to come,it will be transient and problem-riddled.The birth of a man start with a process of sex and conception.The growth of a man also takes process.As the Yorubas would say ''It is certainly not the day we become tall that we can reach for the heaven''.Sir,your piece is inspiring.It is well-said!
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