All men clap at the sight of talent, nobles arise at the glimpse of mastery.
-Smith Bam
In the last five years, I watched and heard speakers, speak about talent, gift and potential whichever word you prefer; and I am in total support of showing people that they have within them what it takes to become whatever they desire. People get so excited about the commercials on potentials and they salivate at the thought of potentials without realizing that no one eats a commercial. The blue truth is that all men clap at the sight of talent because it is common; but when mastery appears, it causes all men to open their mouths and propels even kings and nobles to arise.
Here is something one of my over five hundred mentors taught me. Do your work well, not for your work, but a little more for natures sake. And if you suffer, as you will, do your work and suffering will come the great joy of life. Peter Drucker once wrote that, if you are starting a new business from your kitchen table, your goal; must be leadership in your industry or you shouldn’t even begin at all. If all you want to do is make a quick bang or a little extra income, you will never be particularly successful. You will probably end up losing both. Every time you offer an excellent product or service better than anyone else in a competitive market, and you focus on your goals with tremendous intensity of purpose, you will eventually be a big success in your chosen field. You will literally experience velocity after paying the price. This is what Napoleon Hill once said, 'a time will come, when money will come to you so much that you will wonder where it had been all this lean years'.
You can’t attain mastery if you don’t have the desire. The starting point of all achievement is desire. I want you to keep this in mind. Week desire brings weak results just as a small amount of fire generates a small amount of heat. Here is an interesting conversation between a boy and his baseball coach. I wish you get the drift and get challenged as you read. 'My elementary school baseball coach was a very wise old man, I remember one day doing practice, he walked me to the side of the field and said, son, look around you, of all the people in the entire baseball league only 10% will go on to play high school baseball, of that 10% only 56 will continue on to play in college. |Out of the remaining 5% , only 2% will play for the pros. Do you know what separates these men? Desire! You have to want to be in those 2% who here desire.
I got interesting in you because i read your "Captain Me"! I have a proposal for you! Please react to this comment by mailing me: kis.leduc@gmail.com
What's all these verbal diarrhoea. Don't u use a dictionary when u write? Better still, use the thesarus on the computer. The whole piece makes no meaning. Always check n cross check, read n proof read. Is that clear?
Great one here, this is indeed a nudge to keep on keeping on with my eyes on the "ball" Thank You for this wonderful piece.
Great piece!I am highly impressed as i have learned a lot from this.
Sir,i fell in love with you today at TBC,Abuja that i want you to be my mentor.I consider you relevant to my God-given assignment in the Christendom.When the time comes, i hope you wont hesitate to mentor me.I look up to you.
I can be reached through christendomeditors@gmail.com or through. telephone:07062324894.Thanks and God bless you sir!
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